
Check the answers for most frequent questions about AgileBoard. If there’s no answer to the question you have, ask us on info@agileboard.me.

What is planning/backlog?

Planning/Backlog is for planning tasks for any date. You can easily find your tasks or even not started ones.

What is knowledge base?

Knowledge base is for sending documents, instructions or project descriptions. In short, knowledge base offers quick access to your files!

I can’t invite members to company!

Only admin and owners roles possess permissions to invite members.

Why can’t I create a new company?

Per every account there is only one company, however you can be invited to unlimited companies. Remember that one invite lasts 24 hours. After 24 hours pass, you need a new invite.

How does information system Slack work?

To a chosen channel on Slack there is an automatically sent message about mentions in the projects.

How long does license for using the system last?

Basic bundle is free for unlimited time! Paid licenses depend on time they were paid for, one bundle lasts a month.

Is adding new projects/tasks complicated?

There is nothing difficult about it! If there are any problems, feel free to check out our tutorial about AgileBoard.

Is data at my company safe?

Storing data in the system is absolutely safe. Personal information stored in the database are processed compatibly with Data Use Policy.